পাকিস্তানের বন্যাদুর্গতদের সাহায্যে এগিয়ে আসুন

করাচির কিছু তরুণ মিলে স্বেচ্ছাসেবী ত্রাণকর্ম চালাচ্ছে বন্যাদুর্গত এলাকায়। এখানে ইমেইল ও টাকা পাঠানোর একাউন্টের পূর্ণ বিবরণ আছে।[...]

করাচির কিছু তরুণ মিলে স্বেচ্ছাসেবী ত্রাণকর্ম চালাচ্ছে বন্যাদুর্গত এলাকায়। এখানে ইমেইল ও টাকা পাঠানোর একাউন্টের পূর্ণ বিবরণ আছে। সাধ্যমত সাহায্য করুন। তাদের একটা অনুরোধ আছে, জাকাতের টাকা দিলে একটু উল্লেখ করে দেবেন — কারণ সেটাকা শরিয়া অনুযায়ী খরচ করতে হবে, অনুদানের টাকা হলে আলাদা করে জানানোর প্রয়োজন নেই।

Dear Masud Sahib


At the outset, my apologies for replying late to you. Actually, I just got confirmation regarding bank account details from my friend working in field at flood affected areas.

Pls note that you may send your remittances at the following bank account;

Acct Title: Tahir Farooqui
Acct #: 0111-03600000723
Savings Account
Meezan Bank Ltd.
Saba Palace, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Pakistan
Swift Code: Meznpkka

Also I would request you to kindly advice whether you would be remitting Zakat or not ? This is vital for us since zakat funds are handled by us only as per sharia rules.

I would thank you for coming forward and helping the mankind at this crucial hour and would request you to kindly spread this message and appeal among your circle so that more funds may be generated.

A separate email is being sent to you containing brief summary of what has been done as yet. This would also carry some snaps which we took during our journey at the affected areas.

Pls advice me when you’ve sent the remittance for proper reconciliation purposes.

Jazakallah !


Adnan Mufti

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Respected Elders, Assalamu Alaikum>

I hope this finds you in the best of Eman and health in the month of Ramadan.

By the Grace of Allah Swt, We (Tahir Farooqui, Ali Raza and Danish Qaiyoum) have returned from Charsadda villages after successfully completing the first round of relief efforts in the flood hit areas. We got to witness pain, anguish, disaster, hunger, misery, violence and above all Allah’s anger in the form of rivers flowing way out of control. I simply go out of words when trying to express the feeling. This email contains some details which will give the reader a basic idea about how we drove the overall effort. May Allah accept this little effort and contributions from everyone who stepped forward. Ameen.

What were our areas of focus..?
Our main camp of “Hunermand Pakistan” was based in NavaKilla Charsadda. Navakilla is a village which is about 4-6 Km away from main Charsadda City Adda. This small town is surrounded by many other small villages. River Kabul and River Sawat flowed across these areas which caused massive destruction. Our main focus remained on these 12 small villages around NavaKilla which were shattered by the flood. Little relief efforts came to these places since accessibility to these areas was tough. Alhamdulillah we were able to gain access to these areas.

We have been also coordinating with our friend’s/relief workers in Bisham of District Shangla. Let me tell you that Shangla has the lowest Human Development Index in the province and second lowest in the country! Hundred of families have been badly affected by the flood, land sliding followed by heavy rain in the surroundings of Shangla were also witnessed.

What was the destruction like..?
As I mentioned before, no words can express. You should have been with me to feel the pain and misery that these people were going through. Broken bridges, destructed houses, tearful eyes silently communicated the message “We have lost everything but hope…who will help us now..?” Attached with this email, you can find images which can give you a little idea about the destruction we witnessed. I have added short description next to each image. Shortly I will be releasing a full YouTube video that we made which will give you a more clearer picture about what was going on.

The situation in remote areas of Bisham is quite different to other flood hit areas. There is no road access to the remote areas of Shangla, as all the connecting bridges have been broken. I will be sharing pictures of that area as soon as we get them inshAllah.

What did we do to help these shattered souls..?
Alhamdulilah, we managed to provide 800 flood hit families with a 5 weeks Ramadan Food Package in Charsdda and around 300 families will be covered next week in Bisham of District Shangla inshAllah. This Ramadan Food Package was designed to help an average family of 7 people to spend the Holy month of Ramadan with a little ease. Each package included:
40 Kg Atta (Flour)
4 Kg Chawal (Rice)
Rooh Afza Sharbat (1 bottle)
10 Kg Sugar
1.5 Kg Masala (Spices)
5 Kg Oil (Ghee)
1.5 Kg Tea Powder
3 Kg Lobia (I don’t know what we call this in English)
2 Kg Chana Daal and 2 Kg Moong key Daal
1 Kg dates
What was the process that we executed during this relief effort..?
My friend, Dr. Abdullah is a trained relief worker who has actively played his part in Sawat Region during the IDP disaster with me. He is also the coordinator of the Disaster Management Unit at University of Kohat. With a PhD in Social Works, he is the person responsible for Hunermand Pakistan which ran us through the following process of relief effort:
Formation of flood impact survey teams and assignment of these teams to different villages.
Collection of information with respect to flood impact caused to each home in these villages.
Dissemination of flood impact information to brothers and sisters across Pakistan who then came to help. This information contained details about immediate bare minimum needs of the victims which were required for their survival.
Verification of the documented impact. This verification was done by us (Tahir, Ali and Danish)
Devising the relief packages, purchasing food supplies and conversion of supplies into well defined packages.
Distribution of Ramadan food Package to flood hit families.
The distribution process in Shangla is slightly different as there is no road access to that area. Mules are being hired for the distribution of the food supplies.

What’s next..?
As I write, the relief efforts initiated by our team still continue to operate in the mentioned areas. With disaster striking in Sindh, we are creating alliance with a highly trusted relief organization which has already started providing relief operations (medical and food supplies) in Sindh. More details will be revealed very soon inshAllah. For those who are interested, kindly contact myself or brother Ali Raza (arbhanger@gmail.com).

JazakAllahukhair for all your prayers and support!

সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
অবগত করুন

18 মন্তব্যসমূহ
সবচেয়ে পুরোনো
সাম্প্রতিকতম সর্বাধিক ভোটপ্রাপ্ত
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