বিশ্বকবিতা দিবসের বাণী

ভাষার সাথে বন্ধনের সবচেয়ে সহজাত জটিল প্রক্রিয়ার নামই কবিতা। [...]

আজ একুশে মার্চ বিশ্বকবিতা দিবস। ভাষার সাথে বন্ধনের সবচেয়ে সহজাত জটিল প্রক্রিয়ার নামই কবিতা। ২০০০ সাল থেকে ইউনেস্কো প্রতি বছর একুশে মার্চকে বিশ্বকবিতা দিবস হিসেবে পালন করে আসছে।

World Poetry Day | 21 March
Poetry contributes to creative diversity, by questioning anew our use of words and things, our modes of perception and understanding of the world. Through its associations, its metaphors and its own grammar, poetic language is thus conceivably another facet of the dialogue among cultures. Diversity in dialogue, free flow of ideas by word, creativity and innovation. World Poetry Day is an invitation to reflect on the power of language and the full development of each person’s creative abilities.
Every year on 21 March UNESCO celebrates the World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during the UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.

According to the UNESCO’s decision, the main objective of this action is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. Moreover, this Day is meant to support poetry, return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, promote teaching poetry, restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music, painting and so on, support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art but one.

UNESCO encourages the Member States to take an active part in celebrating the World Poetry Day, at both local and national level, with the active participation of National Commissions, NGOs and the public and private institutions concerned (schools, municipalities, poetic communities, museums, cultural associations, publishing houses, local authorities, etc.).

Message for the World Poetry Day | Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

Poetry is one of the purest expressions of linguistic freedom. It is a component of
the identity of peoples and it embodies the creative energy of culture, for it can be
continuously renewed. This power of poetry is transmitted from generation to generation, in the hallowed texts of great authors and in the works of anonymous poets.We are duty bound to transmit this heritage — the legacy of Homer, Li Bai, Tagore, Senghor and countless others — for it bears living witness to the cultural diversity of humanity. We, in turn, must tend it to bear fruit, as a source of linguistic wealth and dialogue.

In celebrating World Poetry Day, UNESCO wishes also to promote the values that poetry conveys, for poetry is a journey –- not in a dream world, but often close to individual emotions, aspirations and hopes. Poetry gives form to the dreams of
peoples and expresses their spirituality in the strongest terms — it emboldens all of us also to change the world.

Poets in all countries have bequeathed timeless verses in defence of human rights, gender equality and respect for cultural identities. Paul Eluard wrote “freedom … I write thy name”. To this day, poetry brings the winds of freedom and dignity in the struggle against violence and oppression. For all of these reasons, UNESCO supports poets and everyone who publishes, translates, prints or disseminates poetry. It does so by protecting the diversity of cultural expressions and by preserving poetry recitals listed as intangible cultural heritage of humanity, as so many ways to embellish the world and construct the defences of peace in the minds of men and women.

Irina Bokova

এউপলক্ষে দুদশক আগে কবিতাকে যেভাবে ভেবেছি তার একটি রূপ

রেখাময় হে শব্দ, ক্ষরণ করছি আমি যাদের
স্নায়ুক্ষর তন্তুচয়ে নিরত ইন্দ্রিয় নিরন্তর চিত্রকর :
কে সেই অধীশ্বর তোমাতে আদিতম বেদনায় ভরা
বলো, বলো মন, বচনে ব্যাহত করে শক্তিমন্ত ত্বরা —
প্রাণপ্রবণ এই তোমার যৌবন সাধনায় গড়ো কিছু স্থির চরণ
প্রাণজকাঁপনে অভিভূত জন, শোনাও কিছু কথা, যাতে তোমার ভারাক্রান্ত প্রয়োজন :
খ অনন্ত ঋ রূপহীন তরঙ্গ, আমাকে ভেবো না, আমি নই অস্তিত্ববানের সহায়,
কিছু কিছু অবসর যেন দিগন্তকে অতিক্রম করে যায় —
গহনে বেদনার গান, প্রতিটি স্মরণ যেন অবারিত সীমাহীন অকস্মাৎ বিমূর্ত;
ঈশ্বর! ঈশ্বর! দ্যোতনায় এই মানব দেখ কতই না আর্ত।
ধরো এক বিষাদ নিশ্চেষ্টতা হারিয়ে হলো তীক্ষ্ম বিতৃষ্ণা
আমাদের প্রবল মন, বহুতর বর্জনে পায় প্রাণ, তার যে জীবন শুধু পরম তৃষ্ণা :
হে আত্মিক যত্ন, অব্যয় স্মৃতির সহায় —
মৃত্যু বহমান, কিন্তু আমাদের আনন্দ নেই জরায়।

মাসুদ করিম

লেখক। যদিও তার মৃত্যু হয়েছে। পাঠক। যেহেতু সে পুনর্জন্ম ঘটাতে পারে। সমালোচক। কারণ জীবন ধারন তাই করে তোলে আমাদের। আমার টুইট অনুসরণ করুন, আমার টুইট আমাকে বুঝতে অবদান রাখে। নিচের আইকনগুলো দিতে পারে আমার সাথে যোগাযোগের, আমাকে পাঠের ও আমাকে অনুসরণের একগুচ্ছ মাধ্যম।


  1. মাসুদ করিম - ২১ মার্চ ২০১৪ (১২:৩৮ অপরাহ্ণ)

    UNESCO Director-General’s Message

    Every year, UNESCO celebrates those who give life to poetry as one of the highest forms of linguistic and cultural expression. Poetry is a song of freedom, enabling us to affirm our identity through creation. Poetry is also the song of our deepest feelings; in the words of the Brazilian poet and diplomat João Cabral de Melo Neto, “even unintentionally, every word that comes from emotion is poetry”. Through its words and its rhythm, poetry gives shape to our dreams of peace, justice and dignity, and gives us the strength and desire to mobilize to make them real.

    All peoples throughout history have developed and practiced forms of poetry, so as to pass on orally their knowledge, history and myths – the Vedas and Ramayana in India, the Hebrew Bible, the Iliad and the Odyssey in Greece and many other philosophical and religious texts – to express feelings, to talk about daily life, to withstand trials or to entertain. Today, contemporary forms of poetry, from graffiti to slam, enable young people to become engaged in the practice and renew it by opening the door to a new space for creation. The forms evolve, but the poetic impulse remains intact. Shakespeare described poetry as the music that each man carries inside himself and, centuries later, the jazz musician Herbie Hancock, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and 2014 Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard University, has recalled the affinities between poetry, literature and music in his lecture on “the wisdom of Miles Davis”.

    As a deep expression of the human mind and as a universal art, poetry is a tool for dialogue and rapprochement. The dissemination of poetry helps to promote dialogue among cultures and understanding between peoples because it gives access to the authentic expression of a language. We see this in the inspiration of people celebrating intangible cultural heritage, mother tongues and cultural diversity, where poetry always plays a major role. That is why UNESCO encourages and calls for the support of authors and translators, the craftspeople of poetry, so that we might tap into the essence of beauty and inspiration for peace in their works.

    Irina Bokova

  2. মাসুদ করিম - ২১ মার্চ ২০১৫ (১২:০৫ অপরাহ্ণ)

    A message for the World Poetry Day, 21 March 2015

    Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of World Poetry Day, 21 March 2015

    The poet John Burnside wrote:

    If what we insist on calling
    fate seems inexplicable or cruel
    it’s only because
    we lack the imagination
    to wish for what it brings,
    to brighten it
    with something more inventive
    than dismay.

    This is the power of poetry. It is the power of imagination to brighten reality, to inspire our thoughts with something more inventive than dismay. Poetry is the universal human song, expressing the aspiration of every woman and man to apprehend the world and share this understanding with others, through the arrangement of words in rhythm and meter. There may be nothing more delicate than a poem and, yet, it expresses all of the power of the human mind, and so there is nothing more resilient.

    Complete message (PDF)

    আরো, Memory of the World থেকে।

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