About Us

Muktangon began its journey in the creative online world on 4 June 2008, originally as a Bengali blog platform. Muktangon was established with the goal of nurturing free thought—because only by cultivating free thought can we continuously transcend and reach new horizons in life. However, Muktangon is not an unrestricted space where fundamentalist ideologies or philosophies opposing the spirit of the Liberation War can be practiced under the guise of free thought. Fundamentalism does not liberate thought but rather imprisons it. Our land has experienced such repressive times multiple times, with its most profound expression occurring during the Liberation War of 1971. Hence, Muktangon firmly believes that tolerance towards anti-1971 ideologies, or fundamentalist or extremist ideologies is merely a waste of intellectual energy and time.

We envision people interested in Bangladesh from across the globe gathering at Muktangon to exchange their emerging thoughts, questions, and conclusions with one another. We aim to move beyond the boundaries and instead focus on greater understanding of history, politics, philosophy, economics, literature, and culture to which our lives and livelihoods are deeply intertwined.

Muktangon remains steadfast in this mission and will continue to do so in the future.

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